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Oxford Green Drinks

This listing was last updated by the Oxford organiser on: 2019-09-10


Want to meet people and find out about all that is happening in the green movement in Oxford?  

Green Drinks is a one a month opportunity to meet up with people from across the green movement in Oxfordshire.  There is no agenda, just drinks and a whole host of interesting people from a range of backgrounds: NGOs, academics, practioners, campaigners, allotment owners... the list goes on.  

It is a self-organising network, there are no fees and everyone is welcome. 


Oxford Green Drinks are always the third  Wednesday of each month.

Green Drinks start at 7pm ish and carry on until we go home. 



Venue is the George Street Social
Oxford, OX1 2DH

Just come along, buy a drink and then look for the tables with the Green Drinks signs on; or ask the staff who should be able to point us out.


Green Drinks are for everyone. The great thing about Green Drinks is you never know who you will meet or what conversations you will have.  

Oxford Green Drinks always welcomes help and support to organise meet ups and run the social media and communications - if you'd like to get involved or even take over and run the whole shebang, please say hello! 

Helping to make Green Drinks happen each month is someone, or some people, who arrange each month's meet-up, keep everyone networked with emails / facebook posts / twitter feeds / and website updates and go along each month to meet and greet people as they arrive. 

Do you have some spare time (a couple of hours a month) that you'd like to turn into making good things happen?  You would be regularly in contact with the circulation list, an incredible group of people from across the movement in Oxford.  It could be that a couple of people share this - someone maintaining facebook / someone maintaining email list. If you think you might be interested then please drop us a line on 



For further details and to be added to the Oxford Green Drinks mailing list, contact us at: 


2019 dates: 18 September, 23 October (to avoid clash with the XR rebellion), 20 November and then back in January

Please also join us on facebook:

If at any point you are moving away from Oxford then you can unsubscribe by sending an email to the Green Drinks Oxford address with 'Unsubscribe' in the subject line.  We'd also recommend having a look at www.greendrinks.org to see if there is a Green Drinks where you are going.  And if not, perhaps you can start one.

We look forward to seeing you soon.

Oxford Green Drinks Folks!